Sugden A21Se, beautiful tube like sound, inner detail, and bass control. 30 watts into 8 ohms, 40 into 4 ohms. Single ended class A. Drives the Tannoys wonderfully. Using QED Silver Anniversary XT BiWire cables. On a Tangent, my Main source is a Pro-Ject the classic with modified Evo machined aluminum subplatter running a Hana EL moving coil with Alnico magnets. Pure heaven to my ears. The table is $1000 plus $475 for the Hana, a hide in the sound leather/suede mat, and a record DR clamp, using Atlas Element Integra turntable interconnects and ground. All this running into a Pro-Ject Tube box Ds2 tube phono stage (400 ohm loading @ 60 db gain). I mention the turntable and associated upgrades in the event someone wants to put this together for Is truly contributing to the great sound I am hearing. I think the QED cables, being the only thing in the system containing a trace of silver, helps to offset the warmth of the amp, speakers, and tube section of the phono preamp, complimenting them beautifully.