Shunyata Alpha NR "Settling In Process"?

I have just recently taken receipt of a full loom of Shunyata Alpha NR cables and was curious to hear from other Shunyata NR users what their experience has been with regard to the NR series settling in process. I know Shunyata purports that their KPIP process eliminates the need for extended break-in time however at this point (less than 20 hrs),.
I'm hoping these cables start to sound better soon. Thanks    
The reality of break-in is if its good it will sound good right out of the box, and then proceed to sound better and better as time goes by. You should be happy from first listen, and proceed to deliriously happy over the next few days and weeks. If this does not happen it does not matter if it is Shunyata Alpha NR, it does not matter if its Shunyata anything, it does not matter if its a wire or component or speaker. If you are not happy at 20 hours your odds of ever being happy are somewhere between slim and none.

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