Shunyata Alpha NR "Settling In Process"?

I have just recently taken receipt of a full loom of Shunyata Alpha NR cables and was curious to hear from other Shunyata NR users what their experience has been with regard to the NR series settling in process. I know Shunyata purports that their KPIP process eliminates the need for extended break-in time however at this point (less than 20 hrs),.
I'm hoping these cables start to sound better soon. Thanks    
I feel that in some case different equipment needs different types of cables to sound the best they can.

The last thing I would ever do is buy something knowing it "needs different types of cables to sound the best they can."
I have an Alpha NR on my Luxman M900u, and an older Alpha Digital on my McIntosh C47 preamplifier/ dac. 
The Alpha NR replaced a Ztron Cobra. 
Very satisfied with both Alpha pcs. 
Maybe you should try a Sigma NR on your source. It is said it is much better than the Alpha NR, which I doubt but I could be wrong. 
Thanks ghosthouse, that does help. I heard the same dark and rolled characteristics you described. With around 20 hrs. on them now now, they do appear to be opening up a bit more but certainly not to the extent I'm expecting. I spoke with Shunyata and they said while their KPIP technology greatly reduces typical break in times, at least 50 hrs of "settling in time" is not unusual. Fingers crossed and thanks to all  for the feedback.   
You are welcome @jayh31 .

Hope things continue to open up and result in the sound you are looking for. 

Note too - depending on your speakers (bi-wireable?) and speaker cable (single/non-biwire?) there are "tweaks" to the connection at the speaker that will alter ("tune") the sound.  

See the discussion here about the AQ diagonal method (+ up/- down) vs Nordost method (- up/+ down).  Both require jumpers and apply to use of non-biwire cable to a bi-wireable speaker.