Evolution Acoustics MMMicroOne

Hey guys,

Has anyone heard the new Evolution Acoustics MMMicroOne? Just saw this pic from CES 2011.


Any thoughts on this one?
I just heard them again at CES. I'm still struck by how loud they play and small they are.
I listened to this amazing speaker again last week at T.H.E. Las Vegas and it didn't disappoint. The amazing sound value this speaker offers is ground breaking. While there Jonathan Tinn shared a story of installing two pairs of these in a customer's home theater and while unpacking one pair he asked the customer if he would humor him by putting this out of the box pair in the customer's top of the line Dartzeel system with the top pre amp and the top of the line Dartzeel mono block amps that by the way, were driving the Magico Q7's. The story goes on that they hooked them up, went out for dinner for a couple hours and came back to give the MicroMM1's a listen compared to the Q7's. Well, long story short, I believe the Q7's are for sale on this site and the customer ordered the new MM7's. If that isn't a confirmation of the sound of this speaker, I don't know what is. The second day I returned to the room in Vegas to say "good-bye" and Jonathan sat me down to listen to the new Playback design integrated amp/DAC that had just arrived. This piece from Playback Designs is killer. The size is great for small quarters but the sound is anything but. The DAC has the same killer sound as the Playback design SACD and all this is for $13k. This one will have reviewers drooling. You must put this on your short list if you are looking for something compact but highest quality; a true bargain at the price mentioned. It sounded fantastic and I am not sure if it was even fully broken in.
Congrats to everyone enjoying their Micro's! Had them now for a few months and they never cease to amaze. Folks that come over to listen are amazed that they are so effortless yet detailed along with having some kick arse bass.
I would say that a sub when added to the mix in my system has made these speakers a true reference sounding speaker. I look forward to someday upgrading to the next level when $$$ allows.