High value, giant killer speakers?

What speakers have you heard at any price did you find are fairly priced or a great deal and competed with offerings much more expensive (2x, 3x, 4x etc)? 
Lots of definitions for giant killers, I suppose, but here’s my experience and what shook out as giant killers for me and the reasons I’m willing to suggest them as such.

I went thru a 6 month speaker search where I auditioned a large number of speakers, probably over 30 but for sure over 20 (didn’t keep detailed notes).

In the end for me Spendor D7 were my giant killers because they, for me-let me stress that, bettered a long list of comparatively priced speakers (giant here in beating quantity) and bettered for me a small group costing well more (804d3, persona, kaanta), (giant here in beating well known popular speakers costing nearly double).

Your results may vary but that was my experience. I’ve written extensively on the search in other threads so if anyone wants more detail just see my past posts.
Another one would be t+a s300 talis. Speaker is extremely impressive. Heard it yesterday. 
Mid 90’s BIC Venturi speakers always sounded great!
 Alter Lansing m-508’s/510’s
most of the Energy line made in the great white north, not China.
I’ll put my hat in the ring here. I find in 43 years of listening, that my fav is RBH Sound. I’ve owned systems in the  TK, MC, Signature Classic, SX and SV series. For AV, my SX-T2/Reference has little competition. But for two channel listening, my new pair of SV-61 that use the beryllium 6.5” woofer and AMT tweeter may be the finest speakers I’ve ever heard. They are a “poor man’s” Voca Fina. Incredible.