Linear Power supplies for DACs...?

Is there real SQ benefits or is it placebo snake oil?
i have a Chord Qutest and it has a wall wart. Lots of people say there’s real benefit to adding an external LPS. 
Plenty of choices ranging from $50 - $500.
Sure, a home audition is ideal.

but, what do you guys think?

Not just for the Qutest, but in general for DACs.
I'll be sure to stay away from my wall warts with a portable transistor AM radio. I have a wall wart for a DVD player plugged in my panamax conditioner with my other stereo components never had a problem. Just use what comes with your DAC if you can actually hear it make noise then by all means replace it but replacing it with a linear with never hearing any noise doesn't make sense. 
Has anyone experience w/ linear power supply with Schiit Modi3 DAC?

According to one reviewer who gave a very positive review of the DAC said he tried other wall wart types and linear power supply with it and there was no difference in sound with the Schiit., That would definitely save me money if there is no improvement. Does anyone have a different experience w/ Schiit Modi3?
@lowrider57 , email Bob to inquire. The Matrix DC cable doubled the benefit of the LPS, it's that good. I had him use 2.1mm Oyaide plugs on both ends with standard wiring using the center pin as positive.

VHAudio sells a V-Quad cable that you can DIY. I have 2 feet of it but I have yet to complete the project with a pair of 2.1mm plugs. 
Anybody here using an Innuos Zen Mini mk3 with a LPS other then the one they sell? 

I tried using my Oppo 105 direct to amp and found using a preamp much better

Then, I bought a LPS from Ebay + a Rhodium IEC with heavy gauge pure silver tail that attaches to the board, which alone was a huge improvement

I haven't gone back to my preamp since