Nobsound Record Clamp

In short DO NOT buy it. It is a knock off on the Michell clamp but only 35$ on Amazon. So, I decided to check it out. 
The collet is made of cheap aluminum which easily bends. It will work harden and snap in short order. It is difficult to get off. The collet spins with the knob and you can not loosen it so you just have to pull it off. The collet should have had a key way. All this pushing and pulling is not good for your bearing. SME and SOTA have it right. This is a poor execution with poor materials.  
I’m not as proponent of spindle clamps. Yes it couples a lp to the platter, but at what cost?

It does achieve a greater connection to the TT bearing.....aren’t we all trying to free our records/cartridges from the tt’s bearing vibration?

Well, I am.
In my testing/experience, a slightly warped record on a MyMat, sounds better than the same record, spindle clamped. These results are the same using a MyMat with or without a record weight.

I defy you to find be a better mat at anywhere near the price.

For many applications, two MyMats are superior, at just 2mm height difference.

I used to make and sell a record clamp that comprised a 4-inch maple disc with three 1 1/2” Gabon ebony discs on top. Since the ebony discs are directional 🔛 the correct direction of each ebony disc had to be obtained experimentally and positioned accordingly on the maple disc. ↗️ ↘️ ↙️ So cool! 🤗
Hard to find good Gabon ebony now a days. The pitch black stuff seems to disappear before I can get my hands on it. I'm sure it sounds lousy also.