Voltage question

 Would a component from Japan that is rated 100 volts be safe to use here on 110-120 volts, without some type of transformer or the like?  TIA  Mike

As Eric says... if the voltage range covers 100 to 120 then no problem.
If it only says 100 volts I wouldn’t even plug it in.
Just to give you all some idea how absurd it is to think a few volts matters, I once ran a lithotripsy machine designed for 240 on 120. For you mathlexic types that's like half the voltage. That's a complex and highly computerized machine that generates shock waves that break kidney stones. Its a lot of power, precision, and an incredible amount of sensitive electronics. More pumps, motors, servos, microprocessors, transformers and high voltage power supplies (in excess of 60kV) than you can shake a stick at. You would think the thing wouldn't even run, or at least would throw error codes, or work but weakly, anything but what happened, which was nothing. Worked absolutely fine. Didn't even know about the voltage until after the fact.

The disconnect from reality, misinformation, and nervous nonsense surrounding all things electrical is simply off the charts.
Just to give you all some idea how absurd it is to think a few volts matters, I once ran a lithotripsy machine designed for 240 on 120. For you mathlexic types that's like half the voltage. That's a complex and highly computerized machine that generates shock waves that break kidney stones. Its a lot of power, precision, and an incredible amount of sensitive electronics. More pumps, motors, servos, microprocessors, transformers and high voltage power supplies (in excess of 60kV) than you can shake a stick at. You would think the thing wouldn't even run, or at least would throw error codes, or work but weakly, anything but what happened, which was nothing. Worked absolutely fine. Didn't even know about the voltage until after the fact.
The disconnect from reality, misinformation, and nervous nonsense surrounding all things electrical is simply off the charts.

Well said !!!
 As stated in the OP ,its rated 100v.   So far Ive been told:
1. Need a transformer2. Its fine.3. Dont even plug it in.Appreciate your thoughts. If I do pursue this I would probably look into stepping down the voltage. Where is a good place to look for one?  Thanks again.
winoguy17 OP655 posts


As stated in the OP ,its rated 100v.

If I do pursue this I would probably look into stepping down the voltage. Where is a good place to look for one? Thanks again.

I would first check the AC mains voltage with a volt meter at the wall outlet to see what you have. Check it a few times through the day to get an average reading, measurement. Does it average 120V - 123V? Does it average 118V - 120V? Or maybe 119V - 121Vac?

Be careful of buying a cheap so called voltage converter that says to size the unit at two times or more the rated load of the item that will be plugged into it. You might want to also read the customer reviews on the unit if there are any. I have a feeling the manufacturer of the really cheap so called voltage converters are under sizing the wire gauge used in the winding/s.

Here is a step down transformer manufacturer I found, searching the Agon archives, from an Agon member that posted on a thread. I used his link and found these two transformers that should meet your AC mains voltage. The smallest wattage transformer I could find is 300 watt.


This Link is from a retail seller, I believe.