Any thoughts or experience on the current and future of FM radio?

A bit of "thinking out loud" here.  I have enjoyed and learned much from radio in my life.  First AM rock and roll and then FM Jazz.  My question is where do things go from here?  Broadcast FM, internet music, FM stations with an internet site and anything more you can think of.

I, like most on this site, have the sound quality and as close to the original recording as possible being my pursuit.  I am more on the consumer side and would have interest in hearing anyone's take on what the future may have in store.  From LPs to 8-tracks and cassettes and various digital discs, redbook sacd etc, I have traveled the road most of you have and am hopeful that the future has an old term in mind "high fidelity". 


your post in on-point.  Corporate sponsorship has ruined FM radio.
The bright spots are too few, too far, between.

Happy Listening!
91.3 KBCS @ Bellevue College, Bellevue Wa  Remember 106 KLAY out of Tacoma?   Geez maybe I'am old. Nah, as Tom Petty said, "never slow down never grow old"