Separates or Integrated? What makes more sense?

If you had $10,000 to spend on amplification, would you put all that money and get a really great and pricey integrated amp like a Pass or Luxman. Or, would you use that 10k to buy a really great preamp and amp combo. Apart from the convenience and space consideration, hypothetically how would you choose to spend that 10k if sound was your main criterion.

under 10k, get integrated, close or above 10k, get power amp, and then preamp later, or both at same time if you can afford.
It may be that the challenge with IA’s is finding one with a preamplification section as good as what can be had in a proportionally priced line stage. I’m told it is often the preamp in the IA that is the weak link and degrades the sound enough that what gains you get by losing a set of ICs is not recouped. I’ve heard this a number of times in conversations with designers/manufactures who I respect but of course who would probably rather sell their separates than IA’s in their lineup!
Millercarbon, what is it about the Raven Reflection MkII integrated amp you like so well above others in it's price range? It is sharp looking and made in America, but what else in terms of audio performance strikes your fancy? 

Tough choice. Separates do add more to go "wrong" in a system. Cables etc. Plus routing etc. There is something to be said for a solid integrated. As others have said, it really would boil down to preference and space requirements. Personally, it would most likely be integrated for me (is currently) but at that price point probably a two channel amp and fully featured Pre. I do have space issues, so it is what it is. 
Yes it depends on who builds it.  I have a completely rebuilt from the ground up Heathkit integrated.  It was built by Sam Kim and with the right speakers it's magic.  It also has a great MC phono section.