VAS (Steven Leung) cartridge repair/retipping service?

Any experience with or opinions about VAS/Steven Leung repair/retipping service?  Not for VAS cartridge.

I just got my Benz L2 back after Steve replaced a bad coil and the old stylus.  I don't remember it ever sounding as good as it sounds now.  Highly recommended.

Slaw, use your imagination.  Maybe being mishandled or dropped, for instance?
Steve at VAS is fantastic, he re-built a EMT Cartridge for me last year that another reputable cartridge servicing shop said was un repairable.  It's now back to its former glory.

This year he rebuilt a Benz Glider for me - which was turned down by the importer for repair.  Steve is the go to guy for cartridge repair, highly recommended.

Good Listening

Steve repaired and retipped my Dynavector 20xHO.  He did a superb job.  Next time I need this kind of work done Steve will be my choice instead of Soundsmith.  
Hi Steve,

I have been using Soundsmith to re-tip, but want to see/hear what all the hype is about! Sending you an email with my info.

I’m glad so many here have found great service by Mr. Leung. However, I will never use him again.