What amp are you using with your Zu Essences?

Just a scored a pair of these and I was just wondering what people were pairing up with them. I've heard they work best with tubes. Has anyone tried solid state or Class D and then moved to tubes? How many or how few watts have worked for you? Thanks in advance for any stories.
I got my Essence speakers about 6 months ago replacing a pair of Druids. I drove the Druids with an Almarro 300B which is a really nice match. Once I got the Essences, I decided to try some new amps. I started with a Red Wine 30.2 after reading about them for years ... I found it dry and lacking clarity even after a factory tune-up. I moved on to First Watts F1. The sound had the sparkle and clarity I was used to from the Almarro but not quite as much depth. It had more firmness on the lower end and pop on drum sticks. But the F1 did not have enough power - I use a MAC with no preamp. I go from itunes through Pure Music software into my Exemplar DAC and to the amp. I replaced the F1 with an F3 using the same set-up. That is an ideal pairing to me. I kept the Almarro and switch them out ... different sounds but I consider them equal.

BTW - I listen nearfield (6' between speakers and 6' from me) throughout the day as I work at home. So I was going through tubes every few months.

For grins and because I have the bug, I just bought an F5 to see how it compares. I'll post my thoughts in a few weeks once it arrive and is up to speed.
I'm Having fantastic results with Art Audio's High Current Jota amp. It's a 20-24 wpc SET amp, and this thing has the power and finesse to drive my Zu Essence effortlessly. Great, musical combination!
I'm using an Art Audio Carissa and a PX-25 and loving them both. I have decided that for me the PX-25 is a better fit as I listen at what I believe are too low volumes for the Carissa with such high sensitivity speakers ( I have 101dB Sensitive Omen Defs). The Carissa is better with jazz and vocalists, but I prefer the PX-25 for electronica, rock, etc as it is a bit more dynamic, but a little less life like compared to the Carissa. Either one though is a great pairing with Zu's.
I was running the PX-25 with my Essence before getting the Jota. It is a great amp and matched the speakers very, very, well. For my rather larger room, I found that it ran out of gas (6 wpc) for me on challenging pieces. The reason I got the Jota was based on my very positive experience with the PX-25 (and the Quartets a while before that)! I come nowhere near running out of power now (~24 wpc).
1markr. Thanks for the feedback. How do the two compare? The PX-25 with the JOTA? My Defs are more sensitive, and the 6 watts is surprisingly enough. I bet the Carissa would pair well with the Essence also as it is a big 18 Watts! I just feel like with my Defs it is like driving a Ferrari around town in first gear!