Silly question, but I’ll ask it anyway.

Just wondering, but can you make an interconnect with spark plug wire?

why is or isn’t this done?

Plug wires, coat hangers.....exhorting a whole new level of audio esoteria, hmmm?  And you're saying I'm sans meds?

(Actually, the only ones of late are the Rx'd variety from the cardio kidz.  I keep harassing them to 'legal' medmary,  It'll let me keep it out of the lungs of those who would just....abuse it.....:(
I do it happily as a public service....)

"...I'm open to fall from grace...", however...;)
But the local PD has no humor, and the 'likely suspects' suspect I'm an unusual narcotics officer....

...and your excuse is?

*L*  Understood....I bruise if you look at me Hard...

Oh, and Thanks for the 'unique' comment. *S*
Like Leonard Cohens' Bird on the Wire (note my little pic), paraphrased:
"I've tried in my way to be free..."

....but I've merely become expensive.

Sometimes you just can't win....;)

Good least, here....EST....

@rixtherick - they sound nice and open. They seem a bit more mellow than what they replaced, but they are brand new. They replaced Kimber PBJ’s which seemed to have a bit more upper mid range bite. 

29 posts
03-03-2020 4:58pm
I am not aware of any fixed resistor in ages, and copper, not in forever except for racing, and even then you want to control the 
Most domestic wire is not simply a fiber glass core covered in carbon filled latex. Most are variable spaced fairly high resistance stainless wire. They variable spacing is so they can have consistent performance independent of wire length, hence why today you buy vehicle specific wire sets (or should).
Don't pick some random site on the web for your information. Most mechanics won't have a clue about the inner working of spark plug wires.

And you are a mechanic? I am. The reason for the carbon wire is radio interference, primarily emergency. You can still tell when someone is running multi strand wire, pull up beside them you'll hear it through your AM or FM radio stations. Most hot rodders that have MS wire DON'T have or use a stereo while running.  The old MS wire was OK speaker wire at best. A LOT of insulation for HIGH voltage 15-25 for the old point/condenser style, and 50+ for HEI, can really bite you.

Better off insulating a piece of solder, hee hee.  I mean where do you people come up with these ideas? LOL 

It's the thought that count's RIGHT..

spark to prevent fuel cavitation.

Cavitation in a hydraulic term referring to a pressure drop on the suction side of a hydraulic pump, where pockets of current atmosphere, form bubbles. Those bubbles actually collapse and carve out the cavity pre chamber to a pump. Same with hydraulic Motors, You can hear cavitation..tearing up a pump.. restricted lines, pump and motor killers.

The spark is controlled to prevent air/fuel PRE DETONATION. ..A fuel KNOCK or RATTLE is caused normally by a carbon build up that gets so hot it PRE DET. due to excessive advanced timing (BTDC) a Fuel rattle. Shutting off an continuing to run (DIESELING), again glowing carbon, particles with a fuel and air supply, BUT NO controlled spark, Firing under pressure, dieseling.

The definition of a diesel is simple 2300 psi, it will not be a diesel without it.  NOTHING ELSE.. 2300 psi.. You can obtain 2300 psi a few different ways... Different story..... See learn something every day...

I know I use to teach engines gas/diesel 101 201, 301. Yup yup
That was a while back...NOT MOTORS ok....ENGINES..
