Which DAC makers let you do in home trial?

I'm interested in comparing some DACS for purchase, maximum price about $1600, let's say.
Auditioning them is a hope.
I know that people can get speakers and sometimes amps on trials from manufacturers and from some brick and mortar shops.
So, my question to you all is:
Have you been able to audition DAC's in your home? Which companies with good at home trials and return policies (besides Ps Audio, which is great about that but their DAC is super expensive).
The alternative is just to take a shot in the dark, which I'd prefer not to do. I like to take time and assess before spending this kind of money.
I don't think I've bought many products that my dealer hasn't let me demo in my home for at least a few days.  I'm in Northern NJ and deal with Johnny Rutan at Audio Connection.  Maybe there's a good dealer in your neck of the woods.
I'll try for local dealers. Djones, why not tube DAC with tube amp? Also, you suspect R2R are overpriced, overhyped? Can you elaborate? Thanks. 
An R2R DAC done well is more expensive to make. It's just the technology. I wouldn't say  overhyped nor over priced since it is  costly to make a good one. . In my opinion if I am using a tube amp I want to feed that amp the clearest distortion free signal I can since I want the sound of the tube amp coming through. Tube DACs add their own coloration, some like doing that , I don't  it's a preference thing. I would rather use something like a Benchmark DAC3 which is a very neutral DAC. Some will probably chime in on getting a NOS R2R DAC which is non over sampling. You might prefer it, some people do but once again unless done well with proper filtering they can be noisy on the analog output so you're not sending a good clear signal to your preamp or integrated. If you can try different ones do so and see what you like its your system,  room and hearing.
iFi products are available around (e.g., Music Direct) with 30-day returns.  

Audio Mirror's baseline model (Tubadour III) has a home trial period too (7-10 days I think).

And I'll have to respectfully disagree with @djones51.  I demoed the Audio Mirror (special edition) against a Lampizator Amber 3, ifi iDSD pro, Matrix X-Sabre Pro, Shiit Bifrost 2, and PS Audio Directstream DAC and ended up with the AM.  It's a NOS R2R DAC.  It was the most musical DAC in my system (Don Sach's 2 Preamp, First Watt F4 monoblocks, Coincident PRE speakers).  I liked the iFi the second best.  
Thanks, for both of your opinions and elaborations. Even when folks disagree, I learn what's relevant.