I'm interested in hearing what "the best" systems sound like, where to go?

I have my system sounding pretty good now with a wide sound stage and good depth and imaging. I hear faint details that I have never heard in songs before. It took me three amps, two CD players, two sets of speakers and room treatments to get where I am. But the rabbit hole being what it is....I can't help but wonder....do I have the best it can be? I've been to brick and mortar, high end audio stores, but they don't really have listening rooms. Do any of you know of a place that has a good selection in stock that also has a good listening room to try them out? I would like to hear what is considered "the best". I would like a yard stick to use to determine if I'm getting everything out of the recordings that I can get. Even if it is thousands of dollars outside of my budget, I would like to know what I'm chasing.
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One more thing Mike. I just realized that you are the guy who always outbids me on EBay. 
One more thing Mike. I just realized that you are the guy who always outbids me on EBay.
I think this is the end of a beautiful friendship.

(hopefully not)
One more thing Mike. I just realized that you are the guy who always outbids me on EBay.
honestly; i've not bid on ebay vinyl for a few years; been in gear mode lately. i get my recent used vinyl on Discog.

it will soon be time to aggressively jump back into acquiring vinyl as i'm done adding tt's and cartridges. so watch out, here i come. :-)

I can only Imagine how clean his main system sounds!

no need to imagine it, come on over next time you are in the neighborhood (east of Seattle).