Wadia 861

How does the 861 compare to the competition, ARC CD3, Electrocompaniet EMC-1Up, Krell, Ayre, etc? TIA.
I had an EMC1MKII and replaced it with the Wadia 861. As good as the Electrocompaniet is, the Wadia is in another league when it comes to resolution and clarity -- and ergonomics. Also, if you listen exclusively to CDs, you don't need a preamp with the 861. The absolute latest EMC1 might be better than the one I had, but I'd be amazed if it could compete with the Wadia.
The Waida in my system bettered the Resolution Audio Opus 21 with a black mamba power cord, and the Accuphase DP-77. I think this is the best Wadia one box player. It was more refined than the Opus with a blacker back round, smoother sound, great dynamics, wide soundstage, etc. The Accuphase was not as dynamic as the others and was too laid back for my tastes.

I have heard the Electro DAC in my system and the DAC had one of the widest soundstages I ever heard with excellent deep bass, liad back sounding too, but it was not as real sounding as the Wadia or a few other DACs I tried, but it is a bargin at the used prices so I would imagine the Electro CDP would be the same.

My preference would be the Wadia running direct into the power amp or the Electro CDP used would say you a few dollars.

Happy Listening.
Wadia 861 sounds more accurate to me than the previously owned Audio Aero Capitol Mk.II and believe me I'm not biased against vacuum tubes by any means check out my system link below.
I had the opportunity to listen to the Wadia 861 in a friend's system. His system consisted of all-Gryphon(Danish) electronics & Dynaudio Confidence 5 (these are older speakers & out of production now but they sound better than today's Confidence series, IMO).
I can say that the Gryphon Adagio CDP beat the Wadia 861 convincing in my books.
The Wadia is etched in the high freq. extremes & it deceivingly gives the impression of more resolution & clarity. That is not true! It is distortion one is hearing. The Gryphon CDP is much more natural sounding over the entire audio band. In comparison to the Wadia 861 I thought that the high freq were rolled off but upon critical listening I found that all the content was there - it was just presented in more naturally.
Also, on the classical music that we were playing comparing the 2 CDPs, the Gryphon had better microdynamics as it was better able to flesh out the lower level details vs. the Wadia 861.
The Wadia 861 can be modified by Great Northern Sound & this might get rid of the etched high freq. I don't have any experience w/ this mod & am only mentioning it.
All-in-all I'd call the Wadia 861 an audiophile's CDP, one where the user is listening only to the sound of his/her system. The Gryphon CDP is a music lover's player, one where the user is listening to the music coming out of his system & where sound is only a means to an end - the music.