Squashed(?) LRS

Hi folks,

I took delivery of my new Magnepan LRS today and noticed that one of the speakers looks like something pressed the outer cloth into the panel on the front side.

The cloth is actually stuck to the ribbon behind.
About 2 - 3 inches in from the each of the edges is where the cloth is pressed flat against the ribbons.

Magnepan is closed for the weekend. I left messages with both Eric Norgaarden and the main number about this.

Should I not hook up and play them?
Worried about damage from the cloth being stuck over such a large area (~80%).

Both audioconnection (John Rutan) and mofimadness have given you great information. 
Trust it implicitly, and congrats on the new speakers.
Thanks for the replies!

Well they are hooked up and playing (beautifully through a new Hegel H190).

But the cloth is still stuck. Especially tight on the three round 
protrusions (?) that are vertically aligned along the upper middle of the panel.

Looks like it might be a little less around the flat areas since yesterday afternoon though.

Other than that, what an amazing experience!  Especially for this newbie who never owned magnepans before (only listened to larger ones in audiophile store listening rooms).

The wisdom found in this forum certainly rings true.  I truly appreciate the value in not just basic speaker placement, but also in fine tuning (tilt, minor toe adjustments, distance from front and side walls).

Such seemingly minute changes really have a noticeable effect with the LRS vs the dynamic speakers I have been using.

Oh and the sound stage!  My room is only 10 x 12 but I hear instruments now that seem to be way behind the speakers.  Even beyond the front wall!

Something about the imagery,... Can't find the correct words to describe.  But noticeably different with the different tilt angles afforded by the pivoting adjusters.

I could also notice swapping the panels (ribbon tweeter inside vs outside) changed the "shape" of the presentation.

I am not trying to offer any kind of evaluation as I am clearly not qualified/experienced/etc. 

Just a newbie here sharing my immediate impressions on the differences I heard in sound characteristics.

My dynamic speakers used to compare:
Kef LS 50 non wireless
Ologe 5
B&W Matrix 801 S2

Living Room
- Ampzilla 2000 Second Edition monoblocks
 - Bryston P26 Pre amp

Hegel H190

Thanks again for the helpful replies!

IIRC, the manual states that you can use a piece of masking tape on the grill to pull it away from the panel. I stuck the tape against the cloth and pulled one end vertically (in parallel to the cloth surface), similar to removing one of those 3M Command strips.

just be careful to not press hard when applying the tape to the cloth or risk touching and damaging the diaphragm behind.
Glad to hear the speakers are working well.
Though I have Vandersteen, I would have opted for Maggies if I had the room. I can still remember being mesmerized by the sound they put out. And, that was 30 years ago.

I am not trying to offer any kind of evaluation as I am clearly not qualified/experienced/etc.
Hey, if you have a pair of ears, your experience is as good as any.

In any case, Enjoy!
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