Grounding Speakers

My Tannoy DC8Ti speakers have a ground connector.  Can someone give me a good idea as to why I should use it?  Full disclosure - I had them grounded to my pre amp before.  I just received, assembled, and reinstalled my gear on a new Butcher Block four shelf rack.  My other rack has 3 shelf, so I’m reconfiguring the layout.

My turntable is grounded to my phone pre Amp.  My power amp also has a ground connector.  Should I ground the speakers to the pre amp, power amp, or to a dedicated earth ground?  And is there any reason to use the power amp ground?
I believe the idea behind the ground connection on Tannoy’s is to reduce unwanted radio frequency interference.
+1.  That's my belief as well.

Also, while it would seem unlikely that the speaker itself could respond to RF frequencies, at least in a way that would be audible, I suspect that the likeliest way in which RFI picked up by the speaker cables could affect sonics would be as a result of the RFI being injected into the feedback loop of the amplifier, assuming the amp has a feedback loop. If so, the benefit of this ground connection, if any, in addition to being dependent on the RFI environment at the particular location would be dependent on the design of the specific amplifier. Including the amount of feedback it utilizes, its output impedance, its bandwidth, and perhaps other design-dependent variables.

The bottom line being that the only way to know if there would be a benefit in a particular system is to try it in that system.

Best regards,
-- Al

Just one caution: If that earth connection on the speaker ties the common (negative terminal) to ground then it would damage an amplifier with active speaker terminal outputs if you ground the speaker.
I have the tannot legacy eatons and I use 12 gauge stranded green wire (could use solid copper, but a bit less flexibility), terminated to one gold plated 8 gauge #6 spade to the amp. On speaker end, stripped and silver solder tinned wire ends to the 5th ground speaker terminal. The ground wires from both left and right channels are terminated together into the one aforementioned spade connector (two 12 gauge wires equates to 9 gauge) and attach to one of the rear chassis screws of my Sugden A21se. Not certain if I can detect a difference....anyhow, I like the fact that the 5th terminal is provided and it probably can’t hurt...