help need in choosing a $800 to $1500 cd player

hi all,

Help needed in picking a CD player in the 800 to 1550 dollar price range. On my short list are

A Quad 99CD-P/2, Jolida JD-100A, Rega Apollo, Music hall CD25.2 L-1 with Undewood mods, Njoe Tjoeb 4000 with upsampler and a used Sony SCD-777Es sacd/cd.


Add these to your list:
Arcam FMJ CD23 used
Cary 303/100 or 303/200 used
Rega Appollo new
add Meredian 508.24 and Audio Research CD2 to your list. These 2 players will be tough to beat even with the newer stuff.
hi folks,

Thanks for all of your recomemndations. They were helpful.

After some thought, I ordered an Apollo from Uptown Audio in Ronaoke VA. Very nice folks on the phone line. They have a lot of high end gear and specialize in analog. They have 6 complete analog displays in their show room. The owner said the Rega is the most analog sounding CD player he has ever heard including players up to several times its price.

I ordered one. I will update you all as to how it sounds.

good listening all,

Nice job on the update Larry. All too often folks ask for advice and don't update their decision or direction. Best of luck with your new Apollo!