Anybody tried EMM DCC2 into preamp?

I use an Esoteric DV-50 as CDP. I love the Atma-Sphere MP-1/MA 2.2 (mod) combination/synergy and would hate to give up the MP-1, but want the best possible digital source, which is clearly the EMM DCC2 (+ transport).
I know that this unit functions as a preamp too and could make my MP-1 redundant. Has anyone used the DCC2 with a high quality preamp, eg Atma-Sphere, Aesthetix, etc instead of just straight into the amp, which is obviously more logical? Is there any chance that the synergy of the Atma-Sphere preamp/amp will even improve the sound of the DCC2 (+ EMM transport)? Anybody done that yet?
A while ago I visited Fmpnd (who, with his lovely wife, are very gracious hosts and very fun people) who has a Reimyo CDP777 (very nice, BTW) and a DCC2, and I brought along the CTC Blowtorch. The DCC2 is good, and there may be some synergy when used with the CDSD, but Frank commented that he felt the Blowtorch was better, certainly in the treble. YMMV :) I don't have a DCC2 for comparison but am open to hooking one up to a pair of recent production MA-1s with or without a loaded MP-3 preamp, and alternately with the Blowtorch. A CDSD in the mix would be cool, too. By the way, I'm an Atma-Sphere dealer.
I have tried the DCC2 alone, into the amps with 3 different transports - it didn't matter which - on all 3 occasions, the DCC2 into the amp, compared with the DCC2 into the tubed preamp was night and day, apples and oranges, not even close to subtle. Enormous difference! Comparatively, the DCC2 as a preamp was cold, but mostly lean and without heft and body in the midrange compared to the preamp. I was anticipating selling my preamp and expensive i/cs when I got the DCC2, but no way!
With the Atma-Sphere MP-1, it sounds glorious, full-bodied, obviously the best sound I have heard through my system. But take away the preamp, and it is too thin and lean.
Obviously, my frame of reference may be different, because I have used the AS amps and preamps for about 7 months and am used to the spacious, dynamic, full-bodied sound, with a DV-50 and EMM DCC2 as DACs. But the DCC2 as preamp is not within shouting distance in terms of overall sound presentation, to these ears (and my wife's - who was eagerly anticipating the revenue from a set of Indra XLRs and AS MP-1 once I sold them)- she went upstairs to the sound of the DCC2 into the amp and came down an hour later after the MP-1 was in the system and said "That's beautiful! What did you do?" Actually, it wasn't me, it was Ralph..........
Maybe Mr Meitner needs some tubes in his output stage or else take away the preamp and sell cheaper.
But I'm not knocking the DCC2 - great, great digital source.
Best I've heard. But even better with a top-class tubed preamp.

JTINN will tell you that I told him the same thing with my DCC2 and NAGRA PL-L tube preamp.

That is until I let the DCC2 break in and got the CDSD.

I agree that tubes gave slightly more of that "air" but at the expense of pure transparency,detail and precision.

After A-B'ing many times it was clear to me that I preferred the accuracy of the DCC2 and was happy to recently cash in on my NAGRA & xtra VALHALLA IC.