Keep noise creators outside your clean power zone

Hi Everyone,

Just a tip for those of you who have invested in power conditioners:

Keep things which generate noise outside of your clean zone.

Power conditioners, unless fully active, are just filters. They are not magic blessing devices. What I mean is that the power that comes in gets filtered, and sent out, but it can be contaminated again! It’s just like your water supply. Makes no sense to use fancy water filters, and storing it in a dirty bucket.

If you can, avoid using wall warts, and network devices like Wifi routers, switches, video streamers etc. on the clean side of your conditioner because they will contaminate the already filtered power. If you have a conditioner with multiple zones, put all your noisy neighbors on the same dirty zone.

I try to solve this by using a less expensive but still very good power strip to create a "de-militarized zone." DMZ for short. The Furman PST-8 is a great way to do this, because it does include really good filtering which goes down to about 3 kHz.

Plug it directly into the wall, not into your conditioner. This will give you the most number of filters between your wall warts and your audio. Of course, other alternatives are to use linear power supplies exclusively, but even then, anything with a network or CPU in it can generate noise that makes it through the power supply.

Lots of other conditioners will work, of course, the Furman with SMP just has great noise handling and ~ $120 is much more affordable than alternatives.

Whatever you do, keep your noisy neighbors outside your clean zone.


But he knows better than everyone about everything!
Just ask him or that tiny personal PM fan club he uses as vindication of his beliefs.

I’m guessing you built a one man shelter......

I wonder if it also has bright red carpet?
E and helomech are quite correct in appending SMPS to Wall wart. Get them on a different leg of your panel IF possible. You can try this w long extension cord and as E says an inexpensive PC

the Point about mostly analog devices being self polluted is quite accurate- ARC and Aesthetix both recognized this and make the display defeatable - quite audible.

finally to help answer Miller’s question about where the clean/ dirty line is - anybody who puts a resonant tonearm in a corner on purpose has no clean line...
While nobody has a monopoly on truth , the petty attack on Erik is really uncalled for.