upgrade Dynaudio Special 40 to Kef Reference 1


I am planning on an upgrade. I am currently using Dynaudio Special 40 speakers with a Hegel Rost amp and JL audio subwoofer. Will i notice big difference if I upgrade to the Kef Reference 1 speakers? Another option I am considering is to upgrade the Hegel Rost amp to a Yamaha AS3000 amp. Which upgrade is more beneficial at this time since I can only do one upgrade. Thanks.
The Kef 's may indeed be an Upgrade only your ears can be the judge,
If changing equipment from time to time allows you to enjoy music to a higher
degree than I'd call that an upgrade.
If your budget and time allow go audition a few things.

Have fun - it's a Hobby after all. 

"Duped" ` Really?  I suppose you have the first pair of speakers you ever bought?
We are a Kef dealer so yes we are going to be biased, however, the Kef Ref 1 in our opinion will be a substantial upgrade.

Tale of the tape Dyanudio vs Kef Ref 1

Dynaudio is a two way vs Kef Ref 1 a true three way

Kef Ref 1 offers very deep bass for a monitor sub 40 hz bass vs 41hz bass for the Dyaudio.

The Kef is a 40lb monitor vs 18 lbs for the Dynaudio

The Kef is a true point source the Dyaudio is not.

The Kef is room tunable via port selection the Dyaudio is not.

The Kef is the more transparent lower coloration speaker based on the Kefs more advanced metal drivers and driver construction.

The Dynaudio speakers are very musical and do sound excellent, the Kefs will produce more detail, a larger and more focused soundstage.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ Kef dealers

Post removed 
In this particular case, I am going to speculate that personal preference will be a big factor to determine which one might choose.

I owned Dynaudio Monitors and now own similar KEF though not these two specific models. They are two very good but very different sounding speakers.

I find I do prefer the more coherent sound of the KEFs especially if not listening from more of a distance. I tend to like coherent source designs in general.