Active line level crossover with subwoofer out - HELP


Helping my friend with another challenge. 
Looking for a line level crossover. His preamp does not have a subwoofer out.

What he wants to do is have a high pass filter between the preamp and his power amp. This so his Spendor BC1’s are spared anything below 40 or 50hz. And, the crossover needs a low pass filter to spare the subwoofer the high frequencies. 

clearthink (George hifi’s alt?? ) and Millercarbon lack education and personal experience in a home or professional environment with this, so their opinions are incorrect."

You are confused, disoriented, and profoundly illogical opinions can not be "mistaken" they are opinions although in this case what we are talking about are facts also you do not know anything about my professional, academic, and scientific achievements, accomplishments, patents, and interests. 

" Fortunately I have personal, home and professional experience in the motion picture industry as well as I am guided by acousticians who have written on the subject."

You continue to remain confused, disoriented, and simply wrong.

You can add 1,000 Db of correction, you can turn on the lights in you're room as bright as you want or turn them off to absolute darkness you can play your TV loud and/or wear plaid pants the room nodes will still be their, silly!
You are confused, disoriented, and profoundly illogical opinions can not be "mistaken" they are opinions although in this case what we are talking about are facts also you do not know anything about my professional, academic, and scientific achievements, accomplishments, patents, and interests.

I know you don’t believe in acoustics, and you have yet to ever post anything with measurements, and experiments to prove your point.

You just continue to repeat tropes which were dead in the 90s.



I encourage you to read in the Room EQ Wizard forums, as well as Audio Science Review similar topics.

If you get a measurement microphone, and a miniDSP, I encourage you to try it out.



I know you don’t believe in acoustics,"

I do not know what you mean by this if you mean by "believe in acoustics" have I accepted acoustics as my own personal savior no, I have not done so nor do I plan to but of course you are free to believe, worship, and pray as you choose provided the rules of you're nation so allow.

"You just continue to repeat tropes which were dead in the 90s. "

This is just another amusing, laughable, silly retort from the same person who insist the opinions of other's are "wrong."
Millercarbon lack education and personal experience in a home or professional environment with this, so their opinions are incorrect.

Can we all, possibly even Eric, agree this is a home environment? Sure looks like a home to me. In fact, living in it, yeah, sure enough, its a home! Gone off the deep end he has. Again.

But what about professional experience? Well to be honest I never have done this as my sole source of support. But I have been hired and paid to design and install systems. Its no secret. I’ve posted about it before. I’ve had multiple people come to me with questions, all assuming I am some kind of industry insider. Well I was a presenter at CES one year.

But to even have to be going there seems to me entirely the wrong approach. Either your ideas are valid and compelling, or they are not. If the ideas are solid then you should have no qualms whatsoever defending them on their own merits. The problem is this has been tried and failed, and so all eric has left is to try and shoot the messenger.

Basically what this comes down to is the classic example of do you want the best sound or do you want the best equipment. We all know eric is into equipment. Its all he ever talks about. Even when he talks about sound, its never really the sound he’s talking about but the measurement of the sound. Which isn’t quite the same thing now, is it?

So do you want a system that sounds good? Or do you want a system that looks good? Its your system. DYODD. Choose wisely.