About to audition Vienna Acoustics Beethoven Grand Reference - advice?

I have been listening to Aerial Acoustics 7Bs ( 86 dB sensitivity) for nearly 20 years.  About to audition the VA Beethoven Grand Reference.  90 dB sensitivity.  $12k.  I have a Balanced Audio Technology VK75SE - 75 watts.  700 Joules of power.
Question #1: I always felt the Aerials were under powered.  I'm going to hear the VA BGR with a Pass amp -- not tubes.  Does anyone have any LISTENING experience with this new speaker using 75 watts of tube power?
Question #2: Suggestions for speakers in the $8-12K range ... good for full orchestra (think Mahler 5th), jazz (HHancock, Miles, FHubbard etc), female vocals and 70s rock (Zep, AC/DC, Neil, Yes, Genesis).  Aesthetics are VERY important.  And space is an issue, so no large panels.

JM--In my experience the Aerials do need power--lots of it. I heard them twice at a local dealer many years ago. First time completely underwhelmed with a medium power tube amp. Second time was a completely different experience with high wattage solid state.

If you want to keep the BAT and pair it with a gorgeous pair of full range speakers that are very easy to drive check out the Daedalus lineup. Lou had the smaller Apollo's at the Florida Audio Expo last month and the sound blew people away--yes, he paired them with the new VAC Statement integrated at $150K, which tells you a little about the quality of speakers Lou builds and the sound they are capable of producing. For $12K you could probably get a pair of Argos and be done for life. Strongly recommended!
How about the Tannoy Turnberry? Tube friendly, especially high powered tubes and built to fine furniture standards. I love the aesthetic not sure if you will but if so at $8K the pair seems like a contender.
Joseph Audio Perspectives and Nola KOs would play nice with that much tube power if you can find them.  Best of luck.