Atlantic City casinos closing...

Many of the casinos are closing. People just don't have the funds for that kind of entertainment anymore.
I was forced to downgrade my system dramatically due to financial difficulties beyond my control. As times get harder the thought of high priced equipment is now low on my list of priorities. That does not mean I've lost lost sight of the joy and yes, pride a great system has to offer but during these leaner times one must make sacrifices where one can find them.
So far for about a thousand bucks I have assembled what I believe to be a great sounding setup.
Tandberg TR2075 receiver: $230
Pro-Ject Wood turntable: $325
Benz ACE cartridge: $300
Boston Acoustics A200 speakers: $200
I didn't have to break the bank for this and I'm very happy with the overall sound. Will I venture back to the land of uber priced gear? It seems unlikely, not because of the costs but because of the practicality.
Atlantic City is done as is my journey into the high-end.
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zd542 ...

Do you reside in the Southern California area? If so, I think you and I  could become good friends. I like your style.

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Ah, memories of the "diving" horse at the Steel Pier not to mention all the top acts of those yonder years including to your's Evelyn:" the Temptations, Four Tops and Supremes in their hey day.