McIntosh C2300 vs C2500/C2600 A/B Comparison


I did my reading online and couldn't really find a clear cut answer.
I currently own a C2300 and I might have a chance to switch to a C2500.
Has anyone done an A/B comparison soundwise?

I am not interested in the DAC capabilities of the C2500 as I generally use the regular line in input for CD and MM input for phono as my main sources.

Mainly - Is there a big enough sonic difference between the two and if so what is it? 
Thank you everyone!
If you're not interested in the DAC, save your money and keep the C2300.  The analog signal electronics are the same as what's used in the C2500/2600/2700.  An argument could even be made that without the DAC and the associated I/O subsystems, there less chance of potential interference between the digital and analog sections.

The C2300 made Harry Pearson's reference system for nearly a year after it was introduced, so changing out for the sake of change doesn't seem like it would gain you anything.  You'll have to make up your own mind on the matter, but a side-by-side audition would definitely be in order before making any changes IMO.

Good luck & happy listening!
Thanks for the input!
That's the problem... The C2500 is not nearby, so it means buying it and trying it. I think it may be too much of a hassle and truthfully I kind of like that the C2300 is pure analog without the extra DAC features.
I have a C2500.  I can't say enough good things about it.  It is the finest sounding preamp I have ever owned and it is dead quiet.  I bought the C2500 over the C2300 because I needed the processor loop which the C2300 does not have.  I would think either one would be fine although I like the way the C2500 presents the music.
Thank you stereo5,

Even though it's hard to describe sounds, in what way does it present music differently than the 2300?