Active line level crossover with subwoofer out - HELP


Helping my friend with another challenge. 
Looking for a line level crossover. His preamp does not have a subwoofer out.

What he wants to do is have a high pass filter between the preamp and his power amp. This so his Spendor BC1’s are spared anything below 40 or 50hz. And, the crossover needs a low pass filter to spare the subwoofer the high frequencies. 
Thanks! This will require some more research! If this works, I could feed the preamp out to a DIY splitter box, and put the high pass line level filter to the amp, and the straight signal to the sub all inside a nice looking box.


Try this:

Outlaw Audio ICBM-1 Bass Management System

I believe it does all you need at a reasonable cost. There's one on Just make sure the power supply is to original specs as some may have replaced it with a cheaper generic.
perkri OP

👍✔ at minimal $ costing, and robing any of character at present he's getting now from the Spendor BC1’s

Cheers George
A simple solution is to get a set of filters built into RCA plugs and a RCA splitter on the pre-out. They are much used in car audio setups and work well. Search on eBay for rca plug crossover.
A simple solution is to get a set of filters built into RCA plugs and a RCA splitter on the pre-out. They are much used in car audio setups and work well. Search on eBay for rca plug crossover.