A star is born.... Stereophile review of the Vimberg Mino

Boy did we get a birthday surprise, we recently took on the Vimberg line after being blown away by the Vimberg Tonda D at Axpona.

We have ordered the Amea monitors, and we working on getting the Tonda D later in the year.

People who are looking at a great pair of floorstanding loudspeakers and are looking at the usual contenders, Wilson, Magico, Rockport should absolutely check out the new Vimbergs.

The latest Stereophile review was a complete rave and we agreeded with Mr. Atkinson. In our opinion the Vimberg’s are one of the most exciting new lines of loudspeakers to appear on the market in recent years.

How many people have heard the Vimbergs at Axpona and were blown away by them?

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ Vimberg dealers

Lalik so is a pair of $325k Wilson Chronosonics a better deal

Is a Buggatli Veyron at $2.2 Million a better deal than a new Corvette at $60-100K.

There will always be asspirational products that represent the ultimate in performance.

We ran a test T + A R 2500 vs the Krell K300i the more expensive piece was better it is always the buyers job to figure out for themselves how good they want whatever they are buying and if the more expensive piece is worth the improvemets for the price.

You can buy a Timex or a Rolex if accuracy and price are important buy a Timex if you crave craftsmenship and love the look and feel of a high end watch you buy one for those reasons.

Accuton drivers can be bought for a few hundred bucks and crossover parts for a few bucks. Thats already 60% of the vimberg.

The last thing you need is a box. The box doesnt make any sound its just designed to hold the drivers in place. So for a fraction of the cost you can have a vimberg.

There is no evidence provided by vimberg that their speaker has superior specifications.

I think you missed my point entirely. Why would I or anyone else would pay $45K when I can have same level of performance say for $16K.

IMHO, Price is no longer a factor in achieving high level of performance in audio. There are plenty of manufacturers pushing the performance barrier at lower price point.

Listen to Audio Solutions (Figaro L or XL) speakers, I was blown away by them paired with Vitus Integrated.

Tidal and vimberg are not custom tuned to your ears. I think based on that, it is an overpriced product. They have been tuned to the designers ears. And for that price I would expect solid diamond cabinets, all diamond drive units, and all metal parts to be made of solid gold or silver. Are they? 
You missed my point entirely. Why would I or anyone else would pay $45K when I can have same level of performance say for $16K.
It doesnt cost $16k. You can buy accuton drivers for few hundred dollars.