Gene DellaSala Has Coronavirus

If you haven’t seen this yet...our very best wishes and prayers to Gene and his family.


"Looks like the usual suspects here doing their best to interject politics, again..."
Yes, it is getting a little tiring.

2020 3:29pm


"Looks like the usual suspects here doing their best to interject politics, again..."
Yes, it is getting a little tiring.
 Couldn’t agree more, manipulation of the highest degree.   Lay off the media for a full day and give yourself some time to digest.  

Dr. Fauci said the common flu's rate is 0.1% and this virus is 0.9-1.0% which rounds up to 10 time worse. That figure of 3.4 was suspected after it first came out due to lack of data.

And, all this talk about "herd immunity" is being bandied about as if we're all back in the 14th century. It's been noticed on certain sites and other forms of programming and media but not at all used by the medical community while informing the public. 

No doctor, in their right mind, is telling people to go out and get yourself infected. Quite the opposite. Just the herd mentality in some, here.

The purpose of using current data and keeping the public informed is to flatten the curve. Just go back and read the link that snapsc posted. It's a long read but I'm sure you can do it.

And, when politics interjects itself into medicine and how it affects the community at large, it's kinda hard to separate the two, but we're doing our best. To bring it up as an argument because you don't wanna hear it is being political, dontcha think?

All the best,
"To bring it up as an argument because you don’t wanna hear it is being political, dontcha think?"
No. It is called "being frustrated". Give us a break with political conspiracies. It is really getting boring.
Actually, the current data worldwide for Coronavirus is close to 4% mortality rate. Check it out. As of 30 minutes ago,

Coronavirus update: 124,578 cases, 4,584 deaths, WHO declares a pandemic