Gene DellaSala Has Coronavirus

If you haven’t seen this yet...our very best wishes and prayers to Gene and his family.
thecarpathian ...

  • "Do they think the water supply is going to dry up??"
Evidently. I also went to Smart & Final and Ralph's market yesterday and they were all out of bottled water too. I use it to make my coffee. It really brings out the nuances of flavors gained through home roasting.
uberwaltz ...

Speaking of California, can you imagine what's going to happen to the homeless population living on the streets in L.A. and San Francisco when the coronavirus hits them? They're already getting infected with typhus and other communicable diseases as it is.   Crapping on sidewalks isn't healthy.



Actually, 62,979,879 people put you-know-who into office and I don't doubt that some are audiophiles. 65,844,954 people who voted otherwise also have some audiophiles. Of the almost 100,000,000 who didn't vote, some are audiophiles as well. Does one side matter more than the other?

Some of them post here as well and had to listen to a lot of bunk put out on an almost daily basis by the ones who comprised the lessor amount with nary a word said. It was like free range carping. I've mentioned it before and it doesn't seem to sink in.

If your admonition was to me about their feelings, what about other's feelings, or is this just a one way street? Likewise, I too, respect your feelings.

All the best,
geoffkait20,215 posts03-12-2020 4:10pmYou flunked math, right? The only source that counts is the Johns Hopkins database, Einstein. China’s mortality rate is 4%. And it’s
always been about 4%.
Please go back and re-ready Scientific Journal. 
Reading comprehension is your friend @geoffkait 
Trust me! :)

***Hint #1***
Mortality for Wuhan and Mortality for outside of Wuhan are different.
***Hint #2***
Mortality rate for all of China is different than for Wuhan and all other areas outside of Wuhan.
"Does one side matter more than the other?"
To those who post these annoying political blah blah blahs here, apparently yes.
"...mortality rate in Wuhan where the Virus originated is much much higher than the rest of China"
Could it be that much much higher number of cases overwhelms the medical system and overall care suffers? Going back to those 750000 ventilators and who was supposed to run them.