I have some similar components.
PL HP(integrated)
Foz(V2) phonoamp
Very familiar with the Focals with PL(great pairing) but don't have them in my system.
Been using a VPI Classic for 6 years. It's delivers enough of what a REALLY nice system is capable of. If I were starting over, I would look for a used Aries/Prime, or some iteration of a Classic with the 3d arm. Get something for considerably less than a brand new, full retail unit.
You're aware audio at this level is especially subjective, and argued to death by "experts"
A proper VPI setup will show you what the fuss is all about. It's a polarizing brand. Users either like them or despise the uni pivot. The "experts" have plenty to say what's wrong with the design. My ears could care less.
From what I've read the Marantz is a decent table for what it is. How much of an improvement is a subjective call, but I would say you would hear noticeable differences that should be pleasing and more convincing.
Whatever VPI you decide on, spend as much as you can on a proper cart.MM,MI or MC.
PL HP(integrated)
Foz(V2) phonoamp
Very familiar with the Focals with PL(great pairing) but don't have them in my system.
Been using a VPI Classic for 6 years. It's delivers enough of what a REALLY nice system is capable of. If I were starting over, I would look for a used Aries/Prime, or some iteration of a Classic with the 3d arm. Get something for considerably less than a brand new, full retail unit.
You're aware audio at this level is especially subjective, and argued to death by "experts"
A proper VPI setup will show you what the fuss is all about. It's a polarizing brand. Users either like them or despise the uni pivot. The "experts" have plenty to say what's wrong with the design. My ears could care less.
From what I've read the Marantz is a decent table for what it is. How much of an improvement is a subjective call, but I would say you would hear noticeable differences that should be pleasing and more convincing.
Whatever VPI you decide on, spend as much as you can on a proper cart.MM,MI or MC.