Class D is just Dandy!

I thought it was time we had a pro- Class D thread. There's plenty of threads about comparisons, or detractors of Class D.

That's fine, you don't have to like Class D amps, and if you don't please go participate on one of those threads.

For those of us who are very happy and excited about having musical, capable amps that we can afford to keep on 24/7 and don't require large spaces to put them in, this thread is for you.

Please share your experiences with class D amps!
Like Tube amps, or Pass (who makes it clear this is his goal) the distortion profile may have more to do with euphonic capability than merely lower distortion.
He is certainly right in that regard IMO. But we can hear that difference provided the distortion profile is also correct. The problem is that in most cases the difference between 0.05% and 0.005% isn't the issue- the fact that the distortion that is there is mostly higher ordered stuff that is highly audible even in those trace amounts. The correct distortion profile can mask those higher orders making the amplifier easier to listen to. But a class D amp tends to have a different distortion profile than a traditional solid state amp. Many of them using PWM encoding tend to have lower ordered harmonics too- which is the profile you're looking for.
The technological backflips and design hurdles inherent in making Class D viable seem challenging to every designer who bothers with it, and clearly some are more successful than others. I think cheap Ice modules in a box or whatever Atmasphere Ralph is designing may work for many (I have one in an Ampeg 350 watt bass amp a friend traded to me...matches a vintage looking speaker box I already had), but replace my simple little single ended tube amp? Why? Less heat maybe, less distortion perhaps, more power that I don't need...and the biggest thing by far, an amp that likely doesn't sound as good to my ears as the harmonically rich and musically profound tube amp and preamp I'm using now. The "sounds like tubes" argument for some items, including the Schiit Aegir (not Class D but I'm tossing it in anyway) I recently auditioned and sent back, never really sounds  like tubes (Nelson Pass tries, and the things of his design I've actually heard do sound real nice...but...)..."drives like a sports car"...right...until you drive a sports car.
but replace my simple little single ended tube amp?

First, @wolf_garcia , I applaud you for being willing to expose your audio quirks without fear. I wish I had that kind of personal courage. ;-)

But that’s just it. If you love the LP sound, only the LP sound will be good enough. If you have a particular niche of amp, no other amp will sound as good. It’s not proof Class D is behind the best solid state amps. If you have a love for 30 watt Class A, same thing. It's a bit like comparing all restaurants to mom or dad's home cooking.  Kind of unfair to rate them that way, unless of course your mom (or dad) was an absolutely terrible cook.

As I always say, buy and enjoy what you like, even if it’s’ some quirky SET or full-range with a giganormous bass horn. That’s fine.

But I think it’s unfair to diss Class D because it doesn’t sound like a SET. Among large solid state amps, I don’t know anyone who can listen and say "Oh, that’s a Class D amp, I can tell because....."
