Vivaldi, played badly, is the worst classical music on earth

I thought I hated Vivaldi, the Four Seasons especially, but then I heard an absolutely sublime recording.... sadly I don't remember who the composer or orchestra was.
If I saw the word Haitink on the box, I generally grabbed it, feeling it was safe to take home.
I have spent many hours practicing that piece! I have studied violin with the Suzuki method for ~8 years now, and have learned a few pieces past book 4 (as my username suggests). Did you study with the Suzuki method? How did you find out about the book 4 Vivaldi?  
I taught the Suzuki method for 40 years.  Its truly the best for study, but thwarts musicality. The music happens between the notes....yes the notes are the foundation, but find your own music. The best edition of the concertos is the Christopher Hogwood edition.  Its not the time you give to your instrument, but the joy you bring to your music.  The violin is just a tool as a carpenter with his hammer.  The perfectly constructed desk, or the joy you bring to Spring in Concerto 1 is the value.

Anyone who disparages  Mozart or Vivaldi is , at best., an ignorant fool .

Anyone who disparages Mozart or Vivaldi is , at best., an ignorant fool .
I'm a fan of both, but your claim reveals more about you that you might have intended. There is no accounting for taste; there is no need to account for taste; your preference is no more valid than anyone else's. That you insist otherwise does not make others a fool.