Tekton 4-10 Subwoofer

Looks like there is a new Sub from Tekton. It looks cool! Eric Alexander, if you are out there, would love to know more about this new product.

Great news AF32! Glad to hear of another satisfied customer (seems to be the trend here). Question: does it seem like the sub does well at 20hz (flat down to 20), or does the output seem to have dropped a few db at that frequently? I know may be hard without measurement equipment, but thought I'd ask any way
I think there is definitely a lot of output down low, but I still need more time to test & evaluate... been really busy.
So I have maybe 30 hours music on the subs now.  They are both sitting just outside the sides of the DI's and they are really great so far.  I was listening to "The Best" by Awolnation last night during a long 4+ hour music session.  There is just a wall of sound coming at me.  The bass is absolutely incredible.  I am letting the Tekton 4-10s run up to about 55Hz and the gain is at about 10% (if that).  The HSU VTF15H's in the corners are set to about 10% gain and are cutoff lower, around 35Hz.  If anyone reading is in the Phoenix area and thinking about Tekton and can get a hold of me through Audiogon somehow, I would be happy to audition.
Not surprised to hear these are great subs. They have three things going for them: 1) Four drivers. Four spread out beats one, every time. 2) High compliance. At least I think that is the word for it. When you tap on the driver it moves easily. and 3) Eric Alexander. There is no denying it, the man is on a roll.
My setup shipped today. Sadly, had to push pause on the basement build because of Coronavirus, I work for a major airline, so my career is in jeopardy at the moment. I’ve got a Parasound A21+ ready to go that I bought a few weeks ago, but I’ll be setting them up (DI upgraded, 2x 4-10, DI wide center) in my family room with my Marantz 6012 until this country and my industry unfcuks itself. Itll be a while...