speed controller for Lenco or Garrard


there seems to be newer speed controllers for lenco and garrard tt from sound carrier in US and long dog audio in UK.....anyone successfully use either of these or other speed controller power supplies for their lenco or garrard?


The Eagle and the Condor are completely different and not interchangeable.  The Eagle is a universal PSU that will drive any 115/230VAC motor up to 25W.  The Condor is a low voltage PSU for a very specific 3 phase BLDC motor;  it does not work with any other motors than what is supplied by SOTA.
When we first discussed a licensing agreement, we both agreed it would be a better solution to offer a superior motor and controller for $725 than a good controller for $600 for use with (in most cases) lessor motors.  SOTA is free to pursue the Eagle design if there is enough demand to warrant it.
The SOTA RR tach is identical to the original and includes the accumulated playing time counter.
For the Garrard 301/401 and Thorens TD-124 you don't need an expensive and space-wasting external controller.

A Keystrobe Pulser + Optibloc kit replaces the old internal analog speed controller with quartz-controlled pulsing. It's reasonably priced, is very well-made in the UK and it's very simple to install. I have rebuilt several TD-124s using this product and I think it's the single best upgrade you can make to your turntable.

As an added bonus, this unit negates the 50Hz/60Hz platter to mains match problem. Use any platter you like for 60Hz service.