Acoustic Suspension sound in 2020?

I really like the sound of the 1960's-1970's acoustic suspension speakers owning a pair of AR-11's.

For a second installation, two questions for you folks who know far more than I--
- First, what if any new speakers have a similar sound?
- Second, any thoughts on KLH 5 and 6 vs. Large Advents vs. AR-3/11 and/or others?

Budget--I'll figure out later...if ideas are expensive, why not have a lust list to go with the purchase short list???!!!

Thanks very much!

Ag insider logo xs@2xaainpb
Thanks. The impedance charts i suppose imply a hybrid. Not 100%  clear but I appreciate the info. 
Magicos...just read an interview with Alon Wolf where he explains why he likes sealed my Heresy IIIs (although he didn't mention those).
I love my Infinity RS1.5s. Sealed enclosure with the famous Watkins Woofer. They are now about 40 years old, and still going strong....

Thanks for this thread guys. What about using AR3a's other vintage acoustic suspension speakers in a 5.1 system with Rythmik sealed and/or GR Research (Danny Richie) open baffle subs? But if yes, what to do for a CC speaker?