Audio Aero Prima DAC


Did anyone already heard this AA Prima DAC MKII ? I want to combine with Metronome T20 drive, B&W 805 Signature and Classic amps.


Can you be more specific about what this "pain" thing is? I cannot believe, for an instant, that the Prima is the problem.
I know it sounds unbelievable, but before I had the Prima, I used a Musical Fidelity Tubalog combined with the T20 and there was no 'pain'. It's difficult to explain in English but there is a kind of pressure on my ears which comes very quickly. Besides, I'm not the only one experiencing this 'thing'. I hope things will get better when burning in has completed...

This is more to your question on pain. I too recently started to experience pain or pressure in the ear when listening to movies/music. I figured it out to be misalinged/miscalibrated speakers and sub. By proper calibrating my speakers and changing the crossover freq for my sub all is well.

Good luck

In the interests of helping you with your headache....

1) Are you using the DAC as your preamp, or are you running it through another preamp?

2)Are you using filtered power or is it just plugged into the wall?

3)Also, how many hours were on the DAC before you started having the hearing problem? (Is the DAC broken-in?)
Hi Golden Ears,

1. DAC is connected directly in to the power amp;
2. No power filtering is used (yet), I use Siltech's Octopus;
3. DAC is now playing about one month continiously.

Renaat (is my prename, Mattheus my name BTW) :)