Audio Aero Prima DAC


Did anyone already heard this AA Prima DAC MKII ? I want to combine with Metronome T20 drive, B&W 805 Signature and Classic amps.


get your tympanics in order before you do jack shit. Also, your Prima is without a doubt the best thing in your system. That is one killer source you have there. I'd go with a matching transport and take it from there. Your Prima derserves better than Perreaux and Plinus. seek and thee shall hear...peace, warren
hi Mattheus,

I have heard a Perreaux dont remember the model thou and it sounded rather bright but the bass was one of the best I have heard, the plinus might be a better option you can always try it to see if u enjoy it.


Don't understand the shit.

What's better than Perreaux and Plinius? An American amp??? Whats' better than Metronome?

Please help me my dear brother...

didn't read your post carefully. Metronome is great. So is Classe. I love YBA. That's French. How's that for ya? I'm, just not a Plinus or Perreaux man. I think you can do better. warren
What aren't you getting from your Classe amps? Better yet, what is missing from your system that is leading you on this system overhaul. Been there done that. With this source upgrade, of yours, we could be talking about the beginning of the end of your system as you know it. It's the nature of the beast. Hope you have a pair of ICs that can deliver the message.