Audio Aero Prima DAC


Did anyone already heard this AA Prima DAC MKII ? I want to combine with Metronome T20 drive, B&W 805 Signature and Classic amps.



Don't understand the shit.

What's better than Perreaux and Plinius? An American amp??? Whats' better than Metronome?

Please help me my dear brother...

didn't read your post carefully. Metronome is great. So is Classe. I love YBA. That's French. How's that for ya? I'm, just not a Plinus or Perreaux man. I think you can do better. warren
What aren't you getting from your Classe amps? Better yet, what is missing from your system that is leading you on this system overhaul. Been there done that. With this source upgrade, of yours, we could be talking about the beginning of the end of your system as you know it. It's the nature of the beast. Hope you have a pair of ICs that can deliver the message.
I don't have Classé amp, but a Classic : this is a Chinese amp. My system doesn't sound 'bad' at all, but I'm missing a bit of warmth. And yes indeed, I'm on the beginning of the end of my system-upgrade-disease.

My IC's are from the German brand 'Heavens Gate': these are NBS-based cables built by the former importer of NBS in Germany. They sound great and better than my NBS Omega 2. Speakercables are from the same brand.

Warren, what do you dislike about Plinius or Perreaux?

It's not that I dislike them. I like, for my ears, the Passion Integre and the JRDG Cocentra II best. I didn't, to be fair, give the Perreaux or the Plinus long listens, but they didn't excite me (could be, of course, the associated equipment) as much as the Passion. The Passion is a pretty toasty 100 SS watts. Hey, it don't matter what I like. Your ears are the deal. There may be some (though, I find that hard to believe) who found/find the Passion lacking in something here or there. Go figure. happy listening...