Acoustic panels on ceiling

Anyone knows where to place the acoustic panels on ceiling? I am reading conflicting stuff.

I have two 48” by 24” GIK Acoustics 242 panels with ceiling cloud mounting brackets.
Just an update: for those following.

I installed two GIK Acoustics 242 panels for the ceiling today.

I posted one picture under my System.

Thanks everyone for your help on this thread. I am very happy with the results.

Special thanks to @atdavid. We don’t have to be enemies. This is a hobby for me. We can both enjoy. Our own way, even if it is different

whhenyuan4 posts03-17-2020 10:03amIs  GIK Acoustics 242 panels sound absorption panel?
Is there any chance to test different position before installing them in their permanent location? Ceiling panels are trickier than wall panels in terms of positioning.
+1 twoleftears  With 2 2x4' panels I would think centering them half way between front plane of speakers and one's head position while sitting in listening chair would cover the reflection point sufficiently.