Magico A3 vs Magico S1 MK2

What do you guys think about either of them. I am currently trying to get rid of my BW 702 S2 and thinking about either of them. I have auditioned Magico A3 and liked it a lot. Had auditioned S1 MK2, a while back. I currently have Naim Unity Nova. I like the S1 Mk2 overall except for bass, which A3 does better. A3 is also good on high and meds, but little colored when compared to S1Mk2, which is bit neutral. Am liking both, but want to see if any of you guys have owned either of them and your overall experience. 
Thanks guys. Just decided to buy Magico A3. Ordered it. Will be coming soon. 
I know they are not that sensitive: I have Naim Unity Nova. I am hopeful this will be sufficient. I had listened A3 with Esoteric f-05 and Lumin S1: Sounded amazing. What do you guys suggest for integrated amp for A3 ?
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I demoed the A3 with Mark Levinson 585, almost as good (85%) as the 60K combined ML preamp + amp + DAC system with the A3. You can get the ML 585 used now for around $6-7K. Great pairing with the A3.

The 585 is still supposed to be better than the new ML 5000 series integrated, except maybe the built-in DAC in the 5000 series maybe slightly better. This last statement is from a dealer who actually does not sell ML but has listened to the line a lot.

I do not think the 585 does streaming but just buy a Sonore xxxRendu and you are covered. 
I know that you ordered the A3. I would say that if you can get a pair of the S1MKII for less than the A3 go with them if it is not to late. I got mine for the same price as the A3 but they are in the Mcoat finish a $4k premium. Like I said if you add a pair of subs I think that they are a much better speaker than the A3. The S1MKII is a much more refined sound signature. Yes they do require good power. I am using them with a Hegel H360 and they sound incredible.

I would look into a new amp you will want more power than what the naim has on tap imo.
Not to spoil your party but I concur with the previous poster. The S1MKII simply is the better speaker. To bring it to full potential you have to heavily invest in the whole chain though. With the Uniti Nova you will not do justice to both speakers.