Do any still use an older high end tuner from the past?....

Things like the CT-7000 from Yamaha, other Marantz, Magnum, Fisher, Scott or any others.  It would be good for us "tuner people" to hear your experience with older, former SOTA tuners.  Thanks. 
Sansui, Yamaha, Technics, Onkyo, Hafler and JVC are some that I’ve used over the years. I got off the tuner merry go round after buying a modified sony xdr-f1hd by the xdr guy. If one still listens to am and fm, the xdr is tough to beat. The unit is sensitive, selective, small in stature, sounds great and has a remote control. It’s the only piece of gear in my systems that I’ve never contemplated replacing. It’s used with a Magnum Dynalab whip antenna outside about 25 ft up. Very nice.
Yet another Luxman T-110 owner.  It's such a cool piece of gear, rivaled only by a Marantz tuner with a scope. I never had a 10B, but Marantz made an awesome SS tuner with scope in the late 70s, the 2130 maybe? Along with an equally great 3250 preamp and 170DC mid-powered amp. I wish I'd kept them.
Most expensive tuner I have on hand (among several, including a tube stereo Scott) is a McIntosh MR77. In present use is a Mitsubishi (Diatone) DA-F10. Here in the Tampa/St.Pete area the only quality FM stations we have are WUSF 89.7 (NPR and Late Night Jazz) and WSMR 89.1 and 103.7 (Classical) . The rest of the dial remains a musical desert of commercial dreck!
The Mitsubishi DA-F10 and DA-F20 offer outstanding sound quality. And can be found for around $150 or less!