Strange that there are 3 million American Ex-Pats that want to stay there
till the day they death do them part..
I was in Germany in the Army for 6 years . MANY guys took their discharge there and are still there .When I was in Berlin many Brits doing their National Service Service stayed there as well . Working class soldiers could not believe how much better German workers had it compared to English workers !
Herr uberwaltz just set a new most stupid post ever record .
till the day they death do them part..
I was in Germany in the Army for 6 years . MANY guys took their discharge there and are still there .When I was in Berlin many Brits doing their National Service Service stayed there as well . Working class soldiers could not believe how much better German workers had it compared to English workers !
Herr uberwaltz just set a new most stupid post ever record .