Quality Transport for my Dac

I have a PS Audio Directstream Dac. Looking for advice on a good /Quality Transport to match it.
Looking to spend 1-2 grand, I have the 1s2 hdmi cable. Do not think i need to spend more. Advice Please 
I have the bridge II Just bought dac from ps when they had sale around the holiday Traded the original but did not look to stream yet. I have the Perfectwave Transport Original Just thought something better since its a few years old.
Seems to be a great setup. And you get to use I2S.

The Jay's Audio transport is getting a lot of raves. It has AES output.

fruitloopsr,  In audio there’s always something better. However The original Perfect Wave transport is excellent (Redbook CD)  in my opinion and won’t be easy to beat. It is one of P
.S.Audio’s better products and has stood the test of time. I don’t doubt that the Project or Jay’s CD transport are fine choices either.


Sounds like i might keep it. I do not have any redbook cds Just need to learn to stream.Never done before Guess im strapped. Will have to look at posts for that. I guess better will cost $$$
Thankx, Mike
Have not done much research on cables but i hear the 1s2 is best that is why i only use that