Another new DAC: Audio Mirror

Just ran across this last night. Never heard of them before but
as a Minnesota company tweaked my curiosity.
Audio Mirror Tubadour III non-oversampling tube DAC. Sounds interesting.
If anyone runs across one and has a listen please post.
Yes, great post. The AM tubadour is addictive, a great addition to my system for all the reasons terry mentioned. 
This is still one of the better threads...

I recently upgraded my speakers, swapped an integrated for a preamp & power amp and swapped a SONOS Connect for a $3K streamer & DAC. 
All a major upgrade. For sure. But when you directly compare costs and what your ear is actually measuring you discover this is all more complicated than you first thought. Some music sounds so much better and some sounds just different and some not so great recordings actually sound worse. 

I understand your post but I completely disagree. What we count on from honest reviewers is to report their findings honestly.

I DO NOT trust anyone's memory of how a $25,000 dac sounded last year at a show to a $2,500 dac recently experienced in their system. If, however, the reviewer prefers the sound of a $2,500 dac to a $25,000 dac and BOTH were compared side by side over a period of time in the exact same system, that is EXACTLY what we are all looking for.

If I ever found out that a reviewer chose to withhold that opinion because he/she was afraid they might affect someone's sales then that reviewer would be scratched off my credibility list. YMMV
I think you missed the larger point.  Perhaps read the post again as when all the dacs sound very good it often comes down to system synergy and sonic preferences.  

i respectfully and fully disagree with your post. I find it disingenuous when any reviewer professional or amateur refuses to name names and attempt direct comparison......sorry just my opinion.....

we all know that synergy, individual preferences and room and system dependence are important...but one can still make an educated opinion or statement brand v. brand...sorry but i think its a cop  out  ala the magazines refusing to do negative reviews....