More Dynamic Speakers Than Vienna Acoustic

I'm looking for thoughts on which speakers or manufacturers to pay attention to in my journey to achieve better dynamics. My system currently sounds great for midrange reproduction, bass is decent without a sub, but is tame in the treble, rolled off I might say. I can turn the system up past 1 o'clock and it gets louder but doesn't get very punchy. My wife and I use our system for a combination of vinyl, streaming, and movies.

My current setup is: 

VPI Scout jr. Table- Nagaoka MP50 MI Cart
Topping D30 Dac

Allnic H1200 Phono Stage
Audio Research LS25 mk2 Pre
AudioPrism Debut tube amp ~30w of power
Vienna Acoustic Mozart Grand speakers

Dac, phono stage, preamp, and tv are all powered by a 1000va Transcendent Sound Balanced isotranny. Amp and TT are direct into the wall. Room is 17x13 8' ceiling. 

The wife is interested in a pair of black floor standing speakers that will go with the room better as am I. Want to keep them small'ish, ie not taller than 4-5'

What would be more dynamic than the Vienna Acoustic's? I would love to stay under 2k used. 



it might be the fact that you are overdriving the 30 watt tube amp.  I have a 30 watt mastersound set amp and when it gets to a certain volume level it just levels out with no more dynamics, I just got in a 140 watt norma integrated and the dynamics are much more pronounced.

either get more efficient speakers or more power.
It's what VA's do well that attracts us to them, but I did find myself listening to more small ensemble jazz with them. Every other speaker since has it's favorite type of music tho'.
I second what Wolf said.  Micro and macro dynamic responses improve rather dramatically when you jump to horns, especially in the 100 db efficiency range.
I made the change years ago (AG Trios) and have never felt the need to update my system.  The nice thing about high efficiency is low power amplifiers are relatively inexpensive.  Good luck!
The problem here is that horns won't fit the budget, unless you get lucky with something used.

I think you can find some ZU Audio speakers in that range. They are about 10dB more efficient (when you do the math, the sensitivity of the Viennas comes out to about 88.5dB; this is due to their impedance). That will solve your power issue.

Now impedance plays another role- that speaker has a lower impedance in the bass frequencies- which means the amp works harder to drive it. If you are using the 8 ohm tap, the output tubes are seeing a load impedance that will cause them to make less power and more distortion.

On top of that, lower efficient speakers like this exhibit a phenomena called 'thermal compression'. This is where the speaker voice coil heats up due to the power needed to drive it. Its a measurable and noticeable effect. All lower efficiency speakers exhibit this phenomena; the greater the efficiency the less thermal compression. As well this particular speaker was designed to be driven by a solid state amp (this is revealed by the impedance curve which is low in the woofer region); IMO/IME you have a mismatch between the amp and speakers.