I need a good looking and good sounding speaker ....

I currently moved to a different apartment and my stereo system and TV are in the middle of my living room. 
My Aerial 10Ts are 25 years old and while they still sound great - they really at this point do not look very good.
I also have an Aerial CC3 center channel which looks OK but is quite big and bulky...

I live in a Manhattan apartment and have ppl below me and above me - 

Anyway - I am considering the following speakers:

- Sonus Faber Nova 2 - look and sound great - not cheap
- Sonus Faber Nova 3 - look and sound even better - not sure I need the extra bass - expensive
- Totem Tribe Tower - in black they look OK - surprisingly sound very good for their size - won't break the bank to buy them
- Aerial 7s - look great - never heard them - was thinking of trying another brand after having Aerial for 25 years.

Any opinions if in a small space in Manhattan - the Nova 3 would be an overkill ?

I have decent electronics - ARC LS25 mkii - Pass Labs X250.8 amp - and a new Marantz receiever for home theater.


Lots of good suggestions above. I would add to the comments about Daedalus speakers that their combination of an exceptionally flat and benign impedance curve, high sensitivity, and high power handling capability makes them extremely versatile with respect to amplifier selection.

I have owned a pair of Daedalus Ulysses for the past ten years. I am presently driving them with a Pass XA25 amplifier, and previously with a 300B tube-based VAC Renaissance 70/70 MkIII. Your much more powerful X250.8 should be a fine match for Lou's speakers as well.

BTW, the URL that was previously stated for Daedalus was not correct. It should be daedalusaudio.com.

Good luck. Regards,
-- Al

Charney Audio Companions a work of art with sweet engaging sound that fits in your budget! No sub needed and in Somerset NJ about 45mins west of Manhattan off NJ Trpk exit 9. Contact Charney and set up an appointment for a listen...well worth the effort! 