Enjoy your quarantine listening while you can

It may not last for as long as we thought. HCQ has cured 100% of China virus in a top study, and Trump is expediting FDA approval. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LtXWKAVNSvE

Skip to 2:13 for the report.

Any news about my masks and face shields from the future?
What this means is this? unpreparedness with chaotic non organized reactions will not work.... To be AHEAD OF THE CURVE is not only flattening the curve dear scientist, the Chinese produce extreme confinement measure with prodigious testing facilities....

The French did a small clinical study using hydroxychoroquine and azithromycin on 20 people and found it held promise and further testing should be done.
the Chinese produce a study with great number of cases... Chinese science is trash?

When the times is urging not using a 4 cent product with very low negative effects is akin to stupidity...
Why so angry, grasshopper? Don’t dwell on the past. It can do no good. Woulda, shoulda, coulda. God gave you two ears and one mouth for a reason. Who cares about China? The US has the best doctors in the world. It was the US military experts at Ft. Detrick, MD, home to the U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command (USAMRMC), with its bio-defense agency, the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases(USAMRIID) who solved Ebola and other recent pandemics.
I wasn't aware the Chinese did a clinical study I thought they simply used it as did the South Koreans. I am sure it will be used fairly quick here under our medical requirements and supervision.