As far as the voltage I am just guessing it is 110. I thought everyone is either 110 or 220A G R E A T many devices today are still rated 117v. [NAD M3 is 120v]
120v became the US standard in 1967. 120v +5% is 126v which is 107.6% of 117v. It’s not much of an issue for solid state gear with regulated supplies, but in tube, particularly vintage, gear the extra volts can come very close to cap ratings. A Bucking Transformer to lower the voltage to rated is a handy toy. See
It’s always a good idea to have a volt meter displaying voltage. A Kill-O-Watt or similar is close enough. Verify with a calibrated Fluke or similar.
D O N ’ T use is as a power meter, except for light loads and brief times.
Back in LA, we had line voltages meters in the studio. No point trying to record if the voltage was all over the map or dragging down to a brown out. Ditto listening to the HiFi.