Emotiva not so good

Emotiva amps are good until you hear another brand in the same space.
Had an XPA2 and it was good. Just... good. Nothing to write home about, not very musical, just... there. Replaced it with a Bryston 2B and some others, including Anthem, vintage Samsung 9090, and a Peachtree amp. I settled on KEF LS50W powered speakers with a music server and am very happy. I do use some Schiit products too, which are sonically quite good. I also have a Emotiva CD player sitting in a closet gathering dust. 
Hi,  I also had an XPA2.  It was my first 'nice' stereo amp.  Replaced it with a Classe CA-2300 ex demo.  Wow.  Bye Bye Emotiva.  It was ok for the cost.  Yes the Parasound Halo also nice, a sweet spot in the market I think.  All of these are heavy...I have just heard the Mola Mola Kalugas.
My impression of class D has changed!
The Outlaw M200/M2000 monoblocks are better.  They are relatively musical.  But they do have a bit of grain blocking absolute transparency.  For the price, though, I think they are a real bargain.  Both for home theatre and for audio.
Emo isn't all to bad. I use to call it a poor man's stereo gear. With hi end fuses installed in them they opened up quite a bit. But of course the Emo is on contest with the higher end gear. I had them a moved on to better gear. I will say one thing about Emo I never had any problems with there gear for all the years I had them. 
I have a XPA2 driving my Maggies. For the price I don't think I could do much better. What I like about it is what Porcubunny is not crazy about. It's just there. Doesn't add or take away anything...just there.